Thursday, May 31, 2007

Who am I?

I live so that I may be a reflection of Him.

I long to loose myself in Yeshua. I long to think like He thinks, speak like He speaks, do what He does, and die like He died.

Paul said, "It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me."

Too much of Skolex is living. Too much of Skolex is in control.

My friends who do you see?



jhthompson said...

I see Christ hanging on the cross with the crown of thorns pressed into his brow...and to answer your question "Who am I?"......I am totally unworthy

XtnYoda said...

"I long to loose myself in Yeshua"

The key is to allow Yeshua to loose himself in us. He is there.

XtnYoda Shalomed

Bro. Jones said...

God said, "I am."

I say:
Truly "He is." Truly "We are not... except what He made us through His sacrifice."

Lord, here is your servant; use me.