Monday, April 30, 2007

A Spider's Life

--A teacher and student are enjoying an afternoon walk through a city determined by the reader.--

Teacher: My son, you realize you just stepped on a spider?

Student: Good teacher, no I did not. I was not paying attention because I was so involved in our discussion.

Teacher: What an arbitrary life a spider must live.

Student: What do you mean, most wise and astute one?

Teacher: The creature simply exists to catch, kill, and suck the blood of its victims. Now, here he lays disfigured and dead on the ground.

Student: But, teacher, what if thus was the purpose of the spider?

Teacher: My good boy, no creature exists for the purpose of such an insignificant life.

Student: But, if the creature lives his purpose, how could it be insignificant?

--Around this time, Skolex walks by and wonders what they would discuss if the student stepped in the “present” a canine left just two feet to the left of the student, but one can only wonder.--

Teacher: My simple boy, you are telling me that this creature lived to kill and be killed? Not to mention that this killing and being killed were done in a small amount of time. No creature could have such a sophistical life. These creatures have no purpose. They have no reason for their being, they simply are.

Student: So, wise and honorable teacher, you are telling me that there are creatures which have a purposeless existence? Why would the Creator of all things (for the gentlemen both come from the presupposition that there is a Creator) create a pointless creature, with a pointless existence?

Teacher: You do realize what you are saying my son? You are saying that the Creator formed a creature for the sole purpose of being stepped on by you. At least, the final purpose of the creature was to be stepped on by you. What kind of purpose, life, and existence would that be?

Student: My teacher, if this spider was formed and created for the sole purpose of being stepped on by me, I would say his existence and life was successful; for he achieved the very reason for his being.

--Teacher:The teacher lost in thought did not immediately respond, so the student added.--

Student: It would seem to me that any creature which lived its purpose, however insignificant one might believe that purpose is, was successful in life.

Teacher: My son, you still have not answered why a Wise and Powerful Creator would ever form such a being for such a harsh and futile purpose.

Student: Indeed, I must admit that I am not in the state of being to explain the reasons of the Divine. I am only in a situation in which I can postulate a successful being from the Divine.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Candy, Chocolate milk, and the young one

I have always thought that one could learn a lot from their children. My son is going through that exciting stage of demand and ask—demanding he gets something and asking until he does. I find it interesting that he is constantly asking or demanding things he does not need. "Daddy give me some candy!" or "Daddy can I have some chocolate milk?" Of course, there is nothing wrong with him having candy or chocolate milk every once in a while, but he wants them in excess. If I don't give them to him, he starts the whining and crying. So, I'm left with two options: give him the goods and he will stop the whining or hold strong and do what is best for him. I love my son. I want what is best for him physically and socially.

Let's apply this to the spiritual relationship between God and humanity. How many times have you been at God's feet whining and crying for something He is not giving you? I'm not talking about spiritual issues you are praying for, such as, salvation of a soul, restored fellowship, or spiritual renewal. I'm talking about the issues and desires in life we pray for that may not be spiritually beneficial. Okay, you are going to demand an example, so here you go: I once prayed daily for God to reveal to me whom He had for me as a wife. Some of you may say that is silly and others will think what is the big deal? Well, I was a teenager. Nowhere near the age, in which, one could marry or be engaged. It is the unnecessary and out-of-place request that seem to guide so many of our prayer lives. I will not indulge you with the superfluous things I pray for at times today, but be sure there are times in which I pray the unnecessary or out-of-place. When you consider that the early believers prayed the Model prayer three times a day, it makes the “Please, God help my team win the big game” prayer a little bit of a joke.

The point is that so many times we (followers of Jesus) demand and ask for things from God that we do not need. Sure, God blesses us with many things that we do not need, but should these request fill our prayer lives? And should we whine and cry when we do not get our way from God? He loves us. He made us. He created us. Does He not know what is best for us? Will He not do what is best for us? Should we not be concerned with the issues in which God is interested: glorification of His name, salvation of the lost, growth of the believer, helping the needy, healing the sick, and proclaiming the Truth? Instead of praying for a new vehicle, or a bigger house, or a better spouse let our prayers focus on issues that are for the betterment of the world we live; prayers that are prayed for the honor of our Lord!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

How shall we begin?

There are so many subjects perusing through my mind that I find it difficult to catalog and reference everything; however, there is one subject that I have decided to begin with: the willingness of followers of Jesus Christ to compromise their convictions for acceptance. Let me be honest, I do not think there is any place in a believers life to be rude, mean, or belittle those around them. It is obvious from the teachings of Jesus that we should "love our neighbor," but there is a major difference between showing love and abolishing all conviction. How can we call ourselves followers of anything, if we are willing to follow whatever is popular at the time.
Again, don't misunderstand what I am trying to say. Just because one has a belief system does not mean one has to shove it down others throat. We can never, and should never try to, make someone a follower of Jesus Christ. Christians, at least we shouldn't, do not practice forced conversions. We believe God calls and converts. However, saying all of that, we should never be shy about telling the reality and truth in life. If Jesus Christ is the Way, Truth, and Life, then God forbid that we not declare it so. Shying away from that fact because of pressure from the world is unacceptable behavior and conviction. We should, as 1 Peter 3:15 says, always be ready to tell the Truth, but we should always do this, as 1 Peter 3:16 goes on to say, in "gentleness and respect." So, it seems that believers either slap someone with the Truth or they avoid telling the truth for acceptance. Both are dangerous and ineffective to our faith.
Friends, let us never back away from telling the Truth of the Word of God. For we all know the world never backs down from telling their opinions. So, first let us always be ready to tell the Word of God, but in kindness and gentleness, realizing that acting Christ-like and proclaiming Christ is our command to follow, while changing the hearts of man is God's part of the deal. This does not mean we whine and complain about every opinion the world regurgitates on us, rather we are to speak when the opportunity arises. And, secondly, let us never forget whom we represent. For the world will always call us simple minded, ignorant, and confused, but friends, let them never call us unloving, selfish, and belittling.

From the worm,

This is me.

I started this blog so I could have an opportunity to post my meager thoughts. Skolex is greek for "worm, maggot, or grub." These are not necessarily thoughts that are well researched or developed, they are simply musings that I have and want to bore you with. So, here you go.